ACC Corporate Members need to contact AACC Membership Department in order to receive Invitation Letter to BMC 2015.
IMPORTANT: “AACC Member” Registration Category is subject to AACC approval and your registration category must be valid at both, the time of registration and at the time of the Conference.
On behalf of the Afghan-American Chamber of Commerce (AACC), we cordially invite you to attend the 11th Annual U.S.-Afghanistan Business Matchmaking Conference 2015 (BMC 2015). For those interested in doing business in Afghanistan and the region, the AACC BMC 2015 is ‘the’ main event of its kind in the world and you simply can’t afford to miss it! You will not be disappointed.
“2015 and 2016 are strategically and economically critical in the history of Afghanistan. While governance and security issues are being sorted out, there are emerging ‘ground floor’ opportunities for doing business in Afghanistan.“
“Register and sponsor now and provide us with your company profile. We can work to bring relevant counterpart U.S. companies to the conference for one-on-one meetings but only if we have the time. Your early engagement gives us the opportunity to boost the value of the conference for you and your business.” … Board of Directors, AACC.
Last year, AACC held and celebrated the 10th Anniversary of its 10th Annual Business Matchmaking Conferences 2014 in Kabul on October 28, 2014 (Kabul-BMC 2014) and in Washington, D.C. on December 9, 10 and 11, 2014 (D.C.-BMC 2014).
Since 2005, AACC with the collaboration of its sister organizations in Afghanistan, Afghanistan Chamber of Commerce & Industries (ACCI) and Afghanistan Builders Association (ABA), has brought thousands of Afghan businessmen and women and Afghanistan Government officials from Afghanistan, Europe, Australia, UAE and elsewhere, to the United States of America in order to attend AACC’s business matchmaking conferences.
AACC’s previous BMCs have provided to participants the opportunity to speak, as keynote speakers and panelists; to consult, to gain information and share their knowledge and experiences with other participants; to showcase and sell their products and services during the Conference and at the Trade Fair; to sign contracts and MOUs; to form Joint Ventures, start and establish new businesses in Afghanistan and in the U.S.A.
We ask those Afghan Citizens who require obtaining a U.S. visa to enter to the United States in order to attend BMC-2015, to visit the websites of the U.S. Embassies in their country of residence, and file their visa applications as soon as possible. Please note that U.S. visa application may take from several weeks to several months to process.
Hence, it is vitally important to apply for a U.S. visa in a timely manner, indeed starting right away to receive your U.S. visa prior to the D.C.-BMC 2015.
Members of AACC and others who need assistance regarding their U.S. visa application and need U.S. visa support letters should contact the HQ offices of AACC in Virginia, U.S.A.
Should you require any additional information, or wish to become a conference sponsor, please feel free to contact our Headquarter offices.
Sulaiman Lutfi | Hon. Don Ritter, Sc. D. |
Chairman of the Board, AACC | President & CEO, AACC |
You will want to hear the latest information from those in the know … about opportunities in different economic sectors, in education and workforce progress and about progress regarding security and governance.
11th Annual U.S.-Afghanistan Business Matchmaking Conference 2015 (BMC-2015) includes the following activities: |
Sponsorship Packages-USA-BMC 2015 AACC